GAME DEAL: An assload of RESIDENT EVIL games for only $30 including 2MAKE and 3MAKE
To Support Ukraine, Humble Bundle and Capcom have teamed up and brought you an absolutely killer bundle of Resident Evil games.
The bundle is $30 and it contains the following games:
Resident Evil Zero - $20
Resident Evil REMAKE - $20
Resident Evil 2 REMAKE - $40
Resident Evil 3 REMAKE - $40
Resident Evil 4 - $20
Resident Evil 5 - $20
Resident Evil 6 - $30
Resident Evil 7 - $20
Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 - $30
50% discount on buying Resident Evil 8
Which is a total package value of $240 which is a saving of $190 and 50% off if you decide to buy RE8
If you’ve oh so slightly interested in Resident Evil, this package is for you, and it goes to a great cause