The game follows the events of Saw 1 where detective David Tapp (of Dead By Daylight fame) gets his chest absolutely blown to bits.
With Saw X - the tenth instalment of the legendary series out, I figured it was time to look at video games that capture the series' unique feel.
Amnesia as a series is horror royalty - or at least The Dark Descent is - so carrying that name is a big deal. But is The Bunker really befitting that name?
One of Bloober Team's many psychological horror games released in the 2010s. With their upcoming remake of Silent Hill 2 on the horizon, I thought I'd start looking at some of their games to gauge my own expectations. It did not go well.
Having usurped the much anticipated Silent Hills as Konami's Fox Engine horror game, Metal Gear Survive has a fair amount to live up to videos
The site wasn’t always around so any videos published before its launch have to be manually archived
Cryptids throughout video games, explored.
Spooky games for creepy people.
Lunacid is the newest offering from the wonderful Akuma Kira, developer of Lost in Vivo and Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion.