AVALANCHE REVIEWS: Fatal Frame 3: Potential Meets Execution

Well, we have made it to the very last Fatal Frame title that would grace the PS2. The last time this survival horror dynasty would be able to squeeze itself out of a Playstation 2's video out port. And that means a few things. Chiefly, that this entry was going to have to be something big. A swawnsong for the franchise. Project Zero wasn't exactly what you could call a gaming institution or anything, but it's specific brand of ghost based survival horror was something you really could only get in a Fatal Frame title. So part 3 actually had a bit of a hard job. How well did it perform? And more importantly, has the main character asked each of these ghost's consent to take their pictures? Let's find out! #fatalframe #projectzero


AVALANCHE REVIEWS: Project Zero 4: The Fatal Frame We Nearly Didn't Get


AVALANCHE REVIEWS: Fatal Frame 2: Satisfyingly Refined