AVALANCHE REVIEWS: Project Zero 4: The Fatal Frame We Nearly Didn't Get

At this point, the Fatal Frame series has cemented itself as a real contender in the survival horror space, but the industry had changed a lot since the release of Fatal Frame 3 on the PS2. Now, Nintendo's Wii was running the show in terms of video game innovation, and like most series, Project Zero couldn't escape a brush with motion controls. So Tecmo quietly developed Mask of the Lunar Eclipse (AKA) Fatal Frame 4 on the Wii and never officially released to any English speaking market. Luckily we have an English fan translation of that original Japanese version to allow us to really get a look at what we were missing out on, but earlier last year, we actually got a full HD remaster of the game. So we'll of course be looking at the modern 4k, PS5 release of the game and comparing it to the original. Hope you guys are strapped in for a lot of waggle mechanics and ghost hunting because that is precisely what you're in for. #fatalframe #projectzero4 #retrospective


AVALANCHE REVIEWS: The Resident Evil Collection: Classic RE Meets Modern PC


AVALANCHE REVIEWS: Fatal Frame 3: Potential Meets Execution