The influence of HP Lovecraft and Edgar Allen Poe is incalculable.
Before you consider purchasing Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth on PC, you should be aware that the game comes in different versions.
Land of Pain is a first-person Lovecraftian adventure/horror game, developed by Alessandro Guzzo and released in 2017.
Developed by Frictional Games and released on PC 2010, Amnesia will likely go down as one of the greatest games in its genre.
Conarium is a first-person horror game developed by Zoetrope Interactive and published in 2017.
You are Robert Dawn--a journalist from London who one discovers a life-changing secret.
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux vs. Original
The Dread X Collection 2 is the second series of games to be released by Dread X in 2020.
The Dread X Collection 2 is the second series of games to be released by Dread X in 2020.
The Dread X Collection 2 is the second series of games to be released by Dread X in 2020.
It's been 10 years since the release of The Dark Descent and countless games have mimicked the mechanics and tone of that game.
The landscape has changed drastically for first-person shooters in the last few decades. Is Quake still worth playing today?